The Allegan County Amateur Radio Club was founded in 1940 in Allegan, Michigan, and has over 30 members in the Allegan County area. The club is affiliated with the ARRL which is a national focal point for Amateur Radio issues, representation, and information. A majority of our members are also League members.
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7pm at the Plainwell Public Safety Complex,
119 Island Avenue on the North Side of M-89 east of Hardings.
2025 Club Officers
President: John Hanse AC8HZ
Vice President: James Kooistra KB8VUC
Secretary: Seth McPherson KE8GOJ
Treasure: Randy MacNeill W8RMN
3-year trustee: Mike James KC1KVR
2-year trustee: Jim Gillis AC8AG
1-year trustee: Ray Larabee N8LRF